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BEST HUMBUCKER Pickups for GIBSON SG Style Guitar

Pickups for Guitar GIBSON SG Style

BEST HUMBUCKER Pickups for GIBSON SG Style Guitar. Learn about its Characteristics and the Standard Models: Gibson and Seymour Duncan.

Pickups for SG Guitar Gibson Classic

Gibson 490R y 490T

The Gibson 490 pickup set for both bridge and neck (490R Neck – 490T Bridge), is one of the classic configurations for an Gibson SG.

Unlike the 490R, the 490T in the bridge position has a slightly higher output point, although both pickup models have alnico II magnets, just like the traditional Gibson 57 Classic pickups. Widely used the 57 in Les Paul models and Gibson semi-solid body guitars.

Honestly, if your Gibson SG has 490 pickups, and you plan to change them for a 57 Classic, I’ll tell you that it’s not worth it. Since these are very similar versions, with a slight more punch on the part of the 490. We can say that the 490 would be in a starting range between the 57 Classic, and the 57 Classic plus. Known this slight plus of gain in a general way, as modern classic sound.

Gibson 498T

Another classic pickup setup for an SG type guitar would be to keep the Gibson 490R in the neck position, next to a Gibson 498T in the bridge position. The Gibson 498T mounts alnico V magnet, has additional winding, and would be the high-output version of the 490, to offer a more powerful response, greater sustain and presence.

This same selection of pickups can be found in Gibson Les Paul Custom or Gibson Les Paul Studio models.

Gibson BurstBucker

Another of Gibson’s versions of its legendary PAF from the 50s, and in the style of the 490 or the 57 Classic, is the BurstBucker series. This range has three versions, in which the level of output is increased as the series progresses.

For example, version 2 for the neck and version 3 for the bridge are his most suitable models for an SG guitar, given the daring nature of these pickups.

Another very interesting option could be the BurstBucker Pro with alnico V magnets. With a plus output as the name indicates, but maintaining the traditional Humbucker PAF flavor.

Epiphone ProBucker

We can also opt for the Epiphone ProBucker, with a value for money worth reviewing. Since it is the Epiphone version of the Gibson BurstBucker, and they also have versions 1, 2 and 3.

And as with the BurstBucker version, the ProBucker 2 for neck and ProBucker 3 for bridge would be the most suitable for an SG-style guitar.

Humbucker Pickups Burstbucker 61R y 61T

Some SG models and also Les Paul mount Burstbucker 61R and 61T pickups with some differences in their winding compared to other models. One of the most loved and hated sets of Gibson brand pickups.

This may be due to the extreme sensitivity of these pickups, when it comes to height adjustments relative to the strings. I can guarantee that these pickups sound great with the precise adjustment.

Gibson 496 y 500

There are other models of Gibson double-coil pickups that can lead to confusion, especially if we do not remember exactly the reference of the model in question, such as the Gibson 496R for the neck position, and the 500T for the bridge position.

These pickups are high-gain mounted with ceramic magnets, widely used in the Flying V and Explorer ranges. But there would be no problem riding on a SG guitar, if that’s what we’re really looking for.

Humbucker Pickups for SG Guitar

Seymour Duncan Humbucker Pickups for Gibson SG

  • Seymour Duncan Saturday Night Special

One of the most desired sets for SG and Les Paul models are the Seymour Duncan Saturday Night Special. This set of pickups has a slightly more aggressive character than the traditional PAF models of the 50s, they maintain a full-bodied tone in the bridge position, and a not too thick sound for the neck position.

Some pickups with a medium output, mounted with alnico IV magnets, and with a unique character and personality.

  • Seymour Duncan Pearly Gates

The Seymour Duncan Pearly Gates mounted with alnico II magnets are another very interesting option, somewhat cheaper than the previous ones. This set of pickups maintains an extra boost to traditional humbucker models, well suited for SG guitars.

  • Seymour Duncan SH-JB Hot Rodded

If it continues to be a disproportionate investment, we can opt for one of Seymour Duncan’s most iconic and classic games. The Seymour Duncan SH-JB Hot Rodded set consists of a pairing of a Seymour Duncan JB SH-4 in bridge position with a forceful output, but performs very well in soft styles and has great versatility.

While for the neck position it has a Seymour Duncan Jazz SH-2, with a brighter tone than the traditional dense sound of the classic double-coil pickups in that position. So it maintains some definition in highly distorted sounds. Both pickups mounted with alnico V magnets.

DiMarzio Humbucker Pickups for Gibson SG

In the DiMarzio brand we can also find very suitable pickups for an Gibson SG such as the legendary and versatile DiMarzio PAF Pro DP151 at a moderate price of about 100 dolars per piece.

This pickup model mounts alnico V magnets, has a medium output and a transparent sound that will prevent our guitar from losing presence when going through a chain of effects pedals. Suitable for placement in any position, and practically for any type of guitar.

In neck position we will obtain presence and a transparent tone that will avoid a muddy sound, and it can be accompanied by almost any high-gain pickup in the bridge position.

But the DiMarzio PAF Pro is also an exceptional pickup in the bridge position when high output isn’t required.

How to Modulate the Tone of Guitar Pickups

To finish I will give you some tips on how to modulate the tone of the guitar pickups. The first is the previously mentioned pickup height adjustment.

By modifying the height of the pickups, we can regulate the presence and tone of a pickup to personal taste. But we can spoil the sound of a quality pickup, if the adjustment is inappropriate, especially if we bring the pickup too close to the strings.

The standard measurements appear on the “Guitar Setup” page. Although this, as I have commented, can be adjusted to personal taste, and always compensating for the volumes of the pickups.

Another way to soften the tone of an SG guitar is through its potentiometers. The standard potentiometers for humbucker pickups would be 500 kilohms. But we have the option of placing 250 kilohm potentiometers that will sweeten and soften the tone for softer styles.

In addition, this operation will not be too expensive for us, since the price of a quality potentiometer can range between 5 and 8 dolars.

Different Types of Guitar Pickups