Characteristics of Suspended Fourth (sus4) Chords for Guitar and Seventh Suspended Fourth (7sus4) Chords. Notes from which they are formed.
Suspended Fourth Guitar Chord (sus4)
The difference between a major chord and a suspended fourth (sus4) chord is that the 3rd note of the sus4 chord is a semitone higher. That is, the 3rd note becomes a 4th, hence the name suspended fourth.
E Major Chord
E Major Chord Consists of Three Notes: 1 E – 3 G# – 5 B

Suspended Guitar Chord: Esus4
Esus4 (Suspended Fourth) Consists of Three Notes: 1 E – 4 A – 5 B

A Major Chord
A Major Chord Consists of Three Notes: 1 A – 3 C# – 5 E

Suspended Guitar Chord: Asus4
Asus4 (Suspended Fourth) Consists of Three Notes: 1 A – 4 D – 5 E

In the images below we see two more open sus4 chords (C – D), and the posture with barre (F – G) to place sus4 chords anywhere on the fretboard. This would be the easiest way to place other barre chords with a suspended fourth like a B sus4, with a barre at the 7th fret.
Csus4 Guitar Chord
Csus4 (Suspended Fourth) Consists of Three Notes: 1 C – 4 F – 5 G

Dsus4 Chord
Dsus4 (Suspended Fourth) Consists of Three Notes: 1 D – 4 G – 5 A

Fsus4 (Suspended Fourth) Consists of Three Notes: 1 F – 4 Bb – 5 C

Gsus4 (Suspended Fourth) Consists of Three Notes: 1 G – 4 C – 5 D

Major chords are built with three notes, 1st – 3rd – 5th. And minor and sus4 chords are built on those same notes but with a variation of a semitone (one fret) on the 3rd note. One semitone lower for minor chords, and one semitone higher for sus4 chords.
Suspended Fourth Chords Chart (sus4)
Complete Dictionary of Suspended Fourth Chords for Guitar in Different Positions, to be used in various parts of the neck. In the reference glossary that appears below, you have all the possible tonalities in 14 different types of chords. There will be no Suspended Fourth chord for guitar that will resist you.
Seventh Suspended Fourth Guitar Chord (7sus4)
Other Suspended Chords are Seventh Suspended Fourth Chords. These types of chords are built by adding to a seventh chord, the fourth note of that same chord. The easiest way to place these chords, is using E and A based barre chords, to be able to slide the posture all over the fingerboard, and thus obtain all kinds of 7sus4 notes.
Suspended Guitar Chord: E7sus4
E7sus4 (Seventh Suspended Fourth) Consists of Four Notes: 1 E – 4 A – 5 B – 7b D

F7sus4 Chord
F7sus4 (Seventh Suspended Fourth) Consists of Four Notes: 1 F – 4 Bb – 5 C – 7b Eb

A7sus4 (Seventh Suspended Fourth) Consists of Four Notes: 1 A – 4 D – 5 E – 7b G

B7sus4 Guitar Chord
B7sus4 (Seventh Suspended Fourth) Consists of Four Notes: 1 B – 4 E – 5 F# – 7b A

Seventh Suspended Fourth Chords Guitar Chart (7sus4)
Glossary of Suspended Fourth Chords in Different Positions and Areas of the Fingerboard. In the dictionary you have all the possible tonalities, in 14 different types of chords. There will be no Suspended Seventh chord that will resist you.
How to Play a Guitar Chord Well
When playing a chord correctly, we must be careful to keep all the strings in their original position (parallel), without stretching them, since when stretching the string it will lose its correct intonation, and the chord will sound out of tune.
This mistake is very common among those who start to play, but it is something that we must correct little by little.

BASIC Guitar Chords Menu: Major, Minor, Suspended, Barre, Seventh, and Ninth Chords.