How to LEARN TO PLAY the Guitar in a Simple, Free Way, at Your Rhythm. KNOW Everything You Need to be a Good Guitarist.
And although the guitar is one of the most complex instruments to fully master, it is also one of the easiest instruments for hobbyists to learn to play. So let’s get to work 😁
Is Learning to Play the Guitar Easy?
Is it easy to play the guitar? Well I would say it depends. Since this instrument is extreme, both in initiation and in specialization. If we want to learn to play and sing songs quickly and easily, the guitar is the instrument you are looking for.
But ironically, if you want to fully master the instrument, be prepared. Since it is one of the most complex instruments to develop musically, in its most advanced phases.
Obviously we will not be able to learn to play the guitar in 10 or 20 minutes either, as some may assure us.
How to Learn to Play the Guitar by Yourself
Step 1: Learn the Major Scale
For example, we can practice the major scale in an ascending and descending sequence. This sequence that appears in the image below is the easiest thing we can play on the guitar, and it won’t be so boring. By the way we will learn a very useful progression, and our ears will begin to recognize one of the most used scales.

Step 2: Learn the Major Pentatonic Scale
The next step can be to practice the pentatonic scale, using the six strings of the guitar, so that our hand gets used to playing notes on the strings heavy gauge. The beginner will think: “this is starting to sound good”. It will boost our morale, and we will go to bed with a smile.

Step 3: Learn Some Open Chords
The next day we continue with these exercises, and we begin to test with an open chord.
Open chords are those that sound without having to press all the notes with your fingers. Using for its composition open notes, or those that sound without pressing any fret.
These are mostly the chords that are played on the top of the neck, and their use only generates advantages.
The first advantage is that these are the easiest chords to play, also generating the best sound that we can get from a chord when strumming the strings. Since the sections of strings are wider, the volume and sustain of the instrument are generously increased. With which these chords will give us another good dose of morale.
Which open chords to learn first? So the major and minor chords. With these two types of chords we can play basically any song. It is what we want. Play or sing the song we like as soon as possible.
If the song in question has, for example, a seventh chord that we don’t know, we can replace it with a major chord. We are new and a few small adaptations are very useful for us to be able to play the guitar, avoiding on the other hand, possible frustrations.
You always have to push yourself a bit, but in the beginning it is better to try to keep the enthusiasm as high as possible.
Depending on the time we have available, I wouldn’t be surprised if in two or three weeks the guitar starts to play, appearing our favorite song.
Step 4: Learn Barre Guitar Chords
We continue our progress as guitarists. When we start to get bored with open chords, we up the ante and go for barre chords. Some more complex chords to place, but with the advantage of being able to play different chords with the same hand position.
Something very useful in complex keys, or to change tonality without major difficulties.
Scales for Beginner
The scales that we should master first would be the major, minor, and their respective pentatonic scales. With this we will have more than enough to develop the most popular modern genres. Without forgetting that each song has its own tonality. In other words, we would have to apply the appropriate scale, in the correct tonality.
With effort, in a couple of years from our initiation, a very handy guitarist can appear, or even one that is quite good. This is just one example of what can be done. But everyone has their rhythm, depending on the time they dedicate to the guitar.
If the scales mentioned above are not enough for us, we can try the Blues Scale. Or in the least of cases, knowing the Blue Note, to use it in our improvisations.
Scales For Advanced
In the case of acquiring some musical muscle, and wanting to develop complex genres such as Jazz, the melodic minor scale is the perfect complement.
Leaving the harmonic minor scale for lovers of classical music, or neoclassical metal in the case of the use of the electric guitar with a high dose of distortion.
The Importance of MUSIC THEORY
Something that I wanted to review is the importance of basic knowledge of Musical Theory to be able to move forward with some ease.
Some think that their favorite guitarists never needed knowledge of music theory to be able to use their guitar through divine inspiration.
And although most famous electric guitarists were self-taught, it is also true that they had to have some knowledge of music theory, in order to develop as musicians.
Do I Need to Learn Solfège?
Another topic would be reading and writing music, known as Solfège. On this topic it’s clear that most of our favorite guitarists wouldn’t know how to read sheet music, let alone develop it. But although knowledge never hurts, they never needed the Solfège to create great compositions, even if they did not know how to read music.
For those who prefer to take guitar classes, I will tell you that it is always better to arrive advanced as possible to these classes, to save time and money.
But where to learn guitar for free, and without having to learn Solfège? Well, on THIS WEBSITE in general, and in the Links shown below in particular. Here you have it all, so let’s get to work.
Other LINKS for How Learn to PLAY Guitar
Learn How to Correctly Tune the 6, 7, 8 and 12 String Guitar.
Guitar Notes and Start Playing
Arrangement of musical notes in the fingerboard, and how to start practicing.
How to LEARN All THE NOTES on the Guitar
KNOW the way to Learn the Notes of the Guitar Neck: Situation and Distribution of the Notes on the fretboard, and their Different Octaves.
KNOW the Guitar Chords, with which you will be able to play everything. In addition, these chords are very easy to place, and they are one of the most used by guitarists, whether they are amateurs or professionals.
Open and Barre Chords basic, with the image of the chord, and the notes of which they are composed.
Although these 4 scales are the basic and main musical scales, for this same reason they are also the most widely used. Most of the time knowing these scales is more than enough.
Execution and location of the most used string bendings.
How to Play Different Types of Guitar Harmonics
Situation of the Natural Harmonics, How to play Artificial Harmonics, and Harmonics with chords.
Guitar Alternate Tunings Guide. How to LEARN to Use Alternate Tunings: Downtuning, Open, Drop, and Double Drop.
Metronome And Tuner Online
You can also have essential tools for the guitarist such as the multiple Online Tuner, or the Metronome to help you maintain a constant rhythm.